1 nagios 守护进程引起的一系列问题1 影响nagios web页面收集监控信息 致使页面出现时而收集不到服务信息2 影响pnp查看图形化,出图缓慢3 影响查看服务状态信息,致使有时候查看不了服务状态解决方法通过命令
ps -ef|grep nagios.cfg
确认 是否开启多个守护进程如果发现多个全部kill掉在重新启动守护进程
kill -9 xxxx
原因:启动了两个nagios进程,可通过命令ps -ef|grep nagios.cfg确认。全kill掉之后再启动就可以了。也可以在nagios启动脚本(/etc/init.d/nagios)中加入判 断,start时如果已有nagios进程在运行则强制kill,kill成功再继续启动,失败则退出。
Warning: The check of service 'load' on host 'Nagios' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back). I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service... [1354527841] Warning: The check of service 'procs' on host 'Nagios' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back). I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service... /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
Unknown - Read or Write File /var/tmp/check_traffic_localhost_2_root_itnms.hist_dat_64 Error with user uid=501(nagios) gid=501(nagios) groups=501(nagios),502(nagcmd).